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              Gas Station
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              Service Station Sinopec has the world’s second largest gas station network and China’s largest retail store network with annual oil and gas sales of more than 200 million tons and non-oil products revenue of more than 33 billion yuan. There are more than 30,000 in-service gas stations and over 27,000 Easy Joy stores, which can be found in urban areas, on main roads and highways, in rural areas and on the water across China (including Hong Kong). The business scope of Sinopec covers refined oil, natural gas, non-oil products, lubricants, fuel oil, new energy and other petrochemical products, enabling Sinopec to provide first-class services for government agencies, enterprises, institutions and ordinary consumers.
              While adhering to the “customer-centered” business philosophy, Sinopec is committed to “developing oil and gas, improving synergy between oil and non-oil products, integrating oil, hydrogen and electricity, and enhancing the interaction between online and offline businesses”. It strives to promote the stable growth of oil and gas business and the rapid expansion of new business. At the same time, Sinopec has made much efforts to develop its business landscape featuring “one base, two wings and three innovations”, tapped into the business value of the gas station ecosystem characterized by interaction and harmony between “People, Cars and Life”, and stepped up its efforts to become a modern comprehensive energy provider of “oil, gas, hydrogen, electricity and services”.

              Textual and standardized management

              The design, construction, management and service of Sinopec gas stations strictly follow standard text requirements and relevant standards. Sinopec will continue to promote the textual and standardized management of gas stations in accordance with development of our times and changes of consumer psychology, spending habits and consumption behaviors.

              Measures against trademark counterfeiting to safeguard consumers’ rights and interests

              With its increasing popularity, brands under the umbrella of Sinopec has become the target of gas station counterfeiting, which not only harms Sinopec’s brand image, but also infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. To address this issue, Sinopec has been working hard to fight against counterfeiting and protect its own trademark rights by taking administrative, legal and various other measures. Sinopec takes a zero-tolerance attitude towards counterfeiting. It is hoped that consumers can exercise due prudence to avoid deceit. Sinopec encourages consumers to contact Sinopec once they notice a gas station suspected of counterfeiting the logo of Sinopec.

              Counterfeiting of Sinopec gas stations

              At present, gas stations that counterfeit Sinopec’s logo are relatively dispersed, some of which are in remote rural areas. Maliciously obstructed by certain counterfeiters, efforts to get rid of them meet some difficulties. Due to some gas station owners’ lack of legal awareness, it is hard to get rid of the counterfeiters by means of persuasion, while the legal means may be hindered by the due time of relevant legal procedures. It takes time to get this done once and for all.

              How to differentiate between real and fake Sinopec gas stations?

              To differentiate between real and fake Sinopec gas stations, first of all, one needs to make sure whether the color, pattern and text on the roof board of the gas station are consistent with the standard logo of Sinopec. An authentic Sinopec gas station has bright appearance and is equipped with good facilities. The staff wear name tags and uniform clothes with the logo printed on the back. All staff members have received formal training and use standardized working language. Generally, the business license of Sinopec gas station contains characters of “Sinopec ×× Gas Station” on it.

              A board with a price list, service items and Sinopec logo is generally hung in the service hall of the gas station. The oil products are purchased from formal channels with good quality. If you notice a pungent smell like heavy oil, you must be in a fake Sinopec gas station.

              Easy Joy

              Easy Joy, founded in 2008, is the main body of Sinopec’s non-oil business operation. In March 2014, Sinopec Easy Joy Sales Co., Ltd. was established, signaling the market-oriented and professional development of Sinopec’s non-oil business. Over the years, Easy Joy has adhered to the vision of “physical service + digital platform” in its development and sticked to the strategy of becoming a comprehensive energy provider of “oil, gas, hydrogen, electricity and services”. Easy Joy is committed to becoming a “service provider for a better life”, and has provided consumers with high-quality products and considerate services. It has been expanding the scale of convenience stores, now ranking first in China with 27,800 convenience stores. Besides, Easy Joy has cultivated its own brands, incubating 14 sub-brands such as Zhuoma Spring, Changbaishan Spring, Oulu Paper, Lai Mou Wine, Auto Mall, Easy Joy Coffee, etc. A variety of business lines such as automobile service, catering, advertising and finance have been developed. As a result, there are 8,000+ automobile service stations, 1,000+ restaurants, and 140,000 billboards under Easy Joy. Easy Joy has also built a unified online platform and a membership system across China, aiming to establish a multi-channel and diversified consumption landscape which makes it possible for consumers to “purchase in stores, from cars or from home”. In 2021, Easy Joy’s brand value reached 18.461 billion yuan, which marked a rapid growth for four consecutive years, and was selected as “My Favorite Chinese Brand in 2021”.
              Easy Joy has been active in innovating its operation, marketing and management, shouldering social responsibilities and improving customer experience. It has worked to make its operation more professional to improve the quality and efficiency of its business; made continuous innovations to its marketing methods and launched many effective marketing campaigns such as Easy Joy Festival, New Year Goods Festival, Water & Beverage Festival and Car Maintenance Festival; started the market-oriented innovation of its management system and established an employment system and a performance appraisal system in line with the market and employees’ performance. Easy Joy is also enthusiastic about charity work and has actively implemented relevant national strategies, for example, it has taken measures to support poverty alleviation by facilitating consumption and developing industries, making due contributions to the fight against poverty and the rural vitalization.
              Easy Joy will continue to uphold the core values featuring putting people first, responsibility, integrity, creation and win-win results, make the most of its existing advantages in business network, customers and brands, and vigorously promote its digital transformation and upgrading. By focusing on internet-based consumption, big data, big platforms and the needs of Easy Joy members, it will do more to meet the needs of car owners and explore new business modes that combine the Internet, gas stations, convenience stores and third parties. By providing one-stop, diversified and comprehensive services for customers, Easy Joy will strengthen its store-centered physical services and digital platform with a focus on its members, so as to gradually establish a comprehensive ecosystem of services with deep integration of online and offline businesses, covering all regions, all scenarios of consumption and all links of business.
              Service Station
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