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          Equipment and materials
          Successful Delivery for 2nd Drilling Rig to Orienburg
          The 2nd truck-mounted cold-weather drilling rig, exported to Orienburg Drilling Company in Russia, was delivered from SJ (located at Jingzhou city in Hubei province) to Alashankou port on 18th, Aug, and then sent to Russia successively by 30 vehicles after the completion of centralized customs declaration during 15th ~ 20th, Sep. Now all of the formalities and charges were completed as per DDP terms in the contract. Three (3) ZJ40 truck-mounted cold-weather drilling rigs, signed between China Petrochemical International Co. Ltd. and Orienburg Drilling Company in Russia, are specially designed mature products for arctic area such as Russia by SJPETRO. The hook load is 225T with drilling depth of 4000m. It uses cold-weather material and heat preservation process & technology, which can be operated normally under +45° ~ -45° and can be stored under -60°.
          Based on superior quality and fast after-sales service, we can guarantee the smooth operation of rigs and maximize the profit of customer, striving to get approval and gain a good reputation for SINOPEC RIGS.
           Natural Gas  Natural Gas
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