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          Equipment and materials
          inopec int’l supplied a steam reformer furnace to Technip’s GALP Project in Sines Portugal.
          With the ship containing convection modules and refractory lined outlet subhead leaving for Portugal on July 21, 2010, Sinopec Int’l has delivered all components of steam reformer furnace to Technip Benelux B.V., the well-known EPC contractor for industrial furnaces. And it’s the first time for Sinopec Int’l to supply the whole furnace to overseas client. The capacity of this furnace is 90,000m3/h.
          This contract was signed in 2009 and the fabrication and inspection are in compliance with The Pressure Equipment Directive (97/23/EC) adopted by the European Union and the European Economic Area. It’s the fourth contract awarded by Technip Benelux B.V. in the past three years. The other three contracts are cracking furnaces and structural steel for MOC project in Thailand, catalyst tubes and assemblies for PKN project in Portland and Rompetrol project in Romania respectively.
          By years of working with Technip Benelux B.V., Sinopec Int’l realizes the pre-fabrication of all main components of cracking furnaces and reformers in workshops, including convection modules, radiant coils, radiant panels and structural steel, which is not only convenient for transportation and construction on site, but also greatly shorten the construction period and reduce the construction cost. Besides, the whole procedure of procurement of raw materials, fabrication and inspection can be either in accordance with ASME or PED requirement.
           Natural Gas  Natural Gas
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