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            investor centre
            Fact Sheet
            [Font Size:L M S]
            Board Composition

            1.Board composition

            The Board of Supervisors shall consist of 7 to 9 supervisors. The appointment or removal of the chairman/chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors shall be determined by two-thirds or more of the members of the Board of Supervisors. The chairman/chairwoamn of the Board of Supervisors shall exercise the following functions and powers: 1)to convene and preside over the meetings of the Board of Supervisors; 2)to perform the duties of the Board of Supervisors; 3)to review and sign the reports and other important documents of the Board of Supervisors; 4)to report to the general meeting of shareholders on behalf of the Board of Supervisors; 5)other duties in accordance with laws or the Articles of Association.

            2.Term of office, election, and dismissal of supervisors

            The term of office of the supervisor shall be three years without re-election limits. Supervisors representing shareholders shall be elected, appointed, and removed by the general meeting of shareholders. Supervisors representing employees shall be elected by employees and can be re-elected. Directors, president, vice president, and Chief Financial Officer shall not serve concurrently as a supervisor. Candidates for supervisors who are shareholder representatives shall be nominated by the Company’s Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, or shareholders who hold 3% or more of the Company’s voting shares, and be elected by a general meeting of shareholders. Candidates for independent supervisors shall be nominated by the Company’s Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors, or shareholders who hold 1% or more of the Company’s voting shares, and be elected by a general meeting of shareholders.
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