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Fact Sheet
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Specialized Committees The Board of Directors has established five specialized committees: Strategic Committee, Audit Committee, Remuneration and Performance Appraisal Committee, Nomination Committee, and Sustainable Development Committee. The members of each specialized committee shall be served by directors.

1.Strategic Committee

The Strategic Committee is responsible for overseeing long-term development strategies and significant investment decisions of the Company. The Strategy Committee shall comprise a minimum of three directors. One chairman/chairwoman and one vice-chairman/vice-chairwoman (optional) shall be appointed.

2.Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is responsible for proposing to engage or replace external audit agencies supervising the Company’s internal auditing system and its implementation, communication between internal and external auditing agencies, and reviewing the Company’s financial information, disclosure policies, internal control system, and other relevant items. The Audit Committee shall comprise a minimum of three independent directors. One chairman/chairwoman shall be appointed. The chairman/chairwoman shall be an independent director with expertise in accounting or financial management, and other members shall be independent.

3.Remuneration and Performance Appraisal Committee

The Remuneration and Performance Appraisal Committee is responsible for researching the appraisal standards of directors and senior management, conducting appraisals and providing suggestions, and researching and reviewing remuneration policies and plans of directors, supervisors, and senior management. The Remuneration and Performance Appraisal Committee shall comprise a minimum of three directors, with independent directors holding a majority. One chairman/chairwoman shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The chairman/chairwoman shall be an independent director.

4.Nomination Committee

The Nomination Committee is responsible for making suggestions on the scale and composition of the Board of Directors, researching the criteria and procedures of selecting directors and senior management, making suggestions to the Board of Directors, and other relevant areas. The Nomination Committee shall comprise a minimum of three directors, with independent directors holding a majority. One chairman/chairwoman shall be appointed by the Board of Directors. The chairman/chairwoman shall be an independent director.

5.Sustainable Development Committee

The Sustainable Development Committee is responsible for making suggestions to the Board of Directors on major decisions related to the sustainable development of the Company, supervising the implementation and progress of the Company’s sustainable development strategy and plans, and supervising the Company’s commitment and performance on key issues such as climate change, health and safety, and corporate social responsibility. The Sustainable Development Committee shall comprise a minimum of three directors. One chairman/chairwoman shall be appointed. The chairman/chairwoman shall be a member appointed by the Board of Directors.
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