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            China Petrochemical International Co., Ltd.(SINOPEC Intl Co., Ltd.)
            China Petrochemical International Co., Ltd.(SINOPEC Intl Co., Ltd.)

             Equipment and materials

             Our Most Valued Partners

             Company Profile

            China Petrochemical International Co., Ltd (Sinopec Int’l.), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinopec majoring in unified management of International business, was incorporated in 1983, with a registered capital of RMB 1.42 billion. Sinopec Int’l. is one of the earliest international trading companies after China’s reform and opening up.Sinopec Procurement Division undertakes the management of Sinopec’s procurement and supply system, and centralized purchasing.In March 2006, the two entities were reconstructed into one division that consolidated the triple functions of procurement management, centralized purchasing and international businesses, responsible for Sinopec’s global purchase of bulk, universal and key materials and equipments, as well as operate the import & export business and third country trade of byproducts of petroleum refining, catalyst, lubricating oil, materials, equipment, accessory, instrument and meter, a set of technology and other products except crude oil, refined oil products and chemical products. It enjoys strong market sway and price negotiation advantages and employs a professional purchasing and sales team. In 2012, Sinopec Procurement Division (Sinopec Int’l.) accomplished a turnover of RMB 170.6 billion in centralized purchasing, and USD 2.73 billion in total import and export of refining and chemical products, materials and equipments.Sinopec Procurement Division (Sinopec Int’l.) takes pride in its global-wide marketing network, with 10 domestic wholly-owned subsidiaries across China located in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing, Nanjing, Wuhan, Zhanjiang and Dalian, 2 holding (joint stock) subsidiaries, 5 overseas wholly-owned subsidiaries in the US, Japan, Germany, Russia and United Arab Emirates, and 8 overseas offices in Venezuela, Singapore, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Brazil and Australia.Sinopec Procurement Division (Sinopec Int’l.) boasts a strong global network of suppliers and establishes strategic partnerships with 64 suppliers at home and abroad. Strategic suppliers offer Sinopec stable and prioritized resources, reasonable pricing, reliable quality and in-time service, which strongly support the rapid development of Sinopec’s construction and production projects over the years.Sinopec Procurement Division (Sinopec Int’l.) has established and implemented a strict set of quality controls across the board. Quality inspection and monitoring have been woven into every key point of the purchasing and supply process.Sinopec E-commerce web is China’s largest E-procurement platform, with an annual transaction volume of over RMB 250 billion, more than 1,180,000 material categories, and over 15,000 active suppliers. More than 95% of Sinopec’s procurement volume is conducted on the E-platform, which allows transaction methods of ask and put, competitive bidding, and tendering. The principles of “openness & transparency, process control and monitoring, everything on record, and all traceable” have ensured sunshine purchasing.Sinopec Procurement Division (Sinopec Int’l.) has vigorously explored the international market, and has secured long-term cooperation with RAINCII, OBK, Saudi Aramco, BP, SHELL, ExxonMobil, Valero, Petrorabigh, SABIC, BPCL, HMEL, CPC and other well-known international companies. Main categories include paraffin, petroleum coke, bitumen, sulfur, base oil, LPG, coal, catalyst, lubricant, polyether, calcium hypochlorite and other refining and chemical products have been imported and exported throughout the world in five continents, across more than 100 countries and regions, and the import and export scale reached to USD 1.29 billion in 2012. The equipment and material trade has grown steadily, Sinopec Procurement Division (Sinopec Int’l.) utilize its worldwide procurement network to enhance its international purchasing capability and market control capability, provide equipment and material support to inside and outside oil fields, refining and chemical industry and construction projects, positively provide imported components value-added services to strategic suppliers and main suppliers, and vigorously promote the export of "Made in China" equipments. Main export categories include drilling rigs, work over rigs and pumping units; OCTG, line pipes, and oil tank plates; static equipments such as reactors, heat exchangers; rotary equipments like compressors, pumps, turbines and generators have been exported to the Middle East, South America, Canada, Russia, India and other countries and regions, the import and export scale of equipment and materials reached to USD 9.6 billion in 2012.Upholding the business philosophy of “competitiveness, openness, regulation and integrity”, Sinopec Procurement Division (Sinopec Int’l.), while in pursuit of enhancing procurement management, strengthening purchasing, and expanding international businesses, would like to invite leading international oil and chemical companies to join together hand in hand and usher in a new and brighter development of global petroleum and chemical industry.

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