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            SINOPEC Fuel Oil Sales Corporation Limited
            SINOPEC Fuel Oil Sales Corporation Limited is a full subsidiary of China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation. Headquartered in Beijing, the Company has a registered capital of RMB 2.2 billion and has 7 branch companies in Tianjin, Shandong, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong as well as 1 full subsidiary in Zhoushan, Zhejiang.The Company consolidates 32 fuel oil producers, 7 provincial and municipal fuel oil distributors under SINOPEC umbrella. It is specialized in the comprehensive operation and professional management of SINOPEC’s fuel oil business.The Company will fully leverage the advantages of SINOPEC’s integrated operation, optimize markets and resources home and abroad, broaden resource channel and promote fuel oil procurement and distribution.The Company will integrate and optimize storage and transportation facilities as well as distribution network, providing full-range services to customers.The Company will leverage business license of bonded bunker fuel of Zhejiang Zhoushan Company to establish a franchise network covering major domestic ports in China to boost sales volume, making fuel oil a growing business that is comparable to SINOPEC’s brand image.The company will expand its presence in international market, increase overseas sales volume so as to enhance SINOPEC’s global competitiveness.

            狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_精品一二三区免费视频_日韩专区一区 狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_精品一二三区免费视频_福利在线网站 狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_精品一二三区免费视频_亚洲色欲久久久久综合网 狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_精品一二三区免费视频_欧美三级美国一级 狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_精品一二三区免费视频_欧美日韩亚洲一区




