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            SINOPEC Exploration & Production Research Institute
            Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute of SINOPEC (PEPRIS) is an integrated research institute focused on oil and gas exploration and production of SINOPEC. Established in 2000, PEPRIS is headquartered in Beijing.PEPRIS was originated from seven petroleum geology research institutions of the former Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources (MGMR). With over 40 years’ history and 10 years’ development experience, PEPRIS now serves as an advisory department of petroleum E&P and upstream development strategy, R&D and service department of upstream key technologies, and information and geological data center of petroleum E&P. In addition, PEPRIS has formed its distinguished techniques and expertise in petroleum E&P strategic planning, petroleum reservoir forming theory and resources assessment for marine carbonate sequence, efficient development of fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs, development technologies for specific gas reservoirs, specific reservoir prediction technologies, geochemical petroleum exploration technologies and testing & experimenting analysis. PEPRIS is capable of consulting for Class-A qualified engineering projects; the Petroleum Geology Experimental & Testing Center and the Geochemical Testing Center have passed the National Measurement Accreditation.

            Address: No. 31, Xueyuanlu Haidian District, Beijing, 100083, P.R. China 
            Tel.: +86-10-82312089 
            Fax: +86-10-82312896 

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