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              SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology
              SINOPEC Shanghai Research Institute of Petrochemical Technology (SRIPT), a subsidiary of the China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (SINOPEC CORP.), was established in 1960 as one of the institutes pioneering R&D for refinery and petrochemicals industry. SRIPT has long devoted itself to build up in the areas of petrochemicals (mainly, aromatics, olefins from low-value hydrocarbons, monomers for synthetic fibers), coal-to-chemicals, commodity polymers, oilfield chemicals and specialty chemicals.Established at SRIPT are the National Engineering Research Center for Basic Organic Raw Materials, Postdoctoral Scientific and Research Working Station of the Ministry of Personnel of China, the Petrochemical Branch of the National Standardization Committee in China, SINOPEC Information Center for Petrochemicals, SINOPEC Standardization Center for Petrochemicals, Shanghai Petrochemicals Quality Inspection Center and the Catalyst Division of Shanghai Testing Center at SRIPT. SRIPT has two bases which are Pudong Innovation base and Caojing engineering base. In 2010, the R&D facilities in the SINOPEC’s subsidiary companies were regrouped, among which the five facilities located in Nanjing, Yueyang, Tianjin, Yizheng, and Chongqing have become the SRIPT’s branches.SRIPT has long devoted itself to making the progress of petrochemicals industry in China and well meeting the customers’ needs. Over 50 years of its history, SRIPT has accomplished many important and key R&D projects sponsored by SINOPEC, and both Shanghai municipal and state governments. Now, a portfolio of the advanced petrochemicals technologies have been developed and commercialized by SRIPT by means of endogenous innovation and in search of excellence. Both the catalysts and technology packages developed by SRIPT for toluene transalkylation, styrene, acrylonitrile, PTA, cumene, pygas hydrogenation, vinyl acetate, olefin from methanol, Sygas to glycol, reformate catalytic de-olefin etc. are commercially licensed to and used in the large and medium scale plants at home and abroad. Besides, based on these self-developed technologies, SRIPT has also developed more than 60 technology packages for different scale petrochemical plants, such as 280 KMTA acrylonitrile, 1800 KMTA toluene disproportionation to xylenes, 500 KMTA styrene, 160 KMTA ethyl benzene (gas phase process), 600 KMTA olefin from methanol, 300 KMTA cumene, 60 KMTA olefin catalytic cracking to propylene, 300 KMTA olefin metathesis to propylene, 200 KMTA butene metathesis to propylene, 200 KMTA methyl amine by methanol amination 75 KMTA MTBE, 6 KMTA ethanol dehydration to ethylene, 2 KMTA dimethyl ether and 30 KMTA methyl amine.In recent years, SRIPT has seriously implemented the “going out” strategy of SINOPEC and actively developped the overseas market. Through continuous technological promotion, styrene catalyst was successfully sale to Taiwan as the first overseas application. Palladium carbon catalyst was promoted to Mitsubishi Chemical, Japan. The complex of technologies and catalyst for toluene disproportionation have been exported.Since its establishment, SRIPT has totally filed 2480 Chinese patent applications which 1060 were granted and filed 253 overseas patent applications which 76 were granted. SRIPT won 251 awards from provincial and ministerial administrations, including one national first-class award for science and technology progress, three national second-class awards for invention, three China gold awards for patent, one Elite science and technology award, one Ho Leung Ho Lee award, one Nie Rongzhen award for innovation, one China Petrochemical Technology Innovation Merit Award, 27 first-class awards for SINOPEC‘s science and technology progress, one first-class award for SINOPEC‘s technology invention. “Key Laboratory of Methanol to olefins and aromatics” and “Key Laboratory of Surfactants for EOR” were named as the first batch of SINOPEC’s Key Laboratories. SRIPT has also maintained its title of “Shanghai Civilization Unit” since 1998.SRIPT always insists on the “people-first principle” in implementing its business development strategy. It has formed an excellent team represented by academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and all walks of academic experts. Nowadays, SRIPT has 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 30 employees gaining special subsidy from the State Council, 2 experts winning national outstanding contribution award, 25 experts winning SINOPEC outstanding contribution award, 19 employees winning SINOPEC excellent young intellectuals, 2 employees winning National Millions of Talents Award.SRIPT has joined the 973 National Program on Key Basic Research Projects (the 973 Program) for the "basic studies on the synthesis of porous catalytic materials with novel structure and excellent performance", the 863 High Technology Research and Development Program (the 863 Program) for the "green manufacturing process and equipment development", the "basic studies on the catalysis and the reaction engineering for low carbon olefins", and established a collaboration laboratory with Nanjing University. SRIPT actively participated building Shanghai Pudong faculty science and technology innovation base, which has made contribution to local economic development and society development. SRIPT has taken part in the ASTM meeting to play a positive role in the standardization community.In order to implement the overall development strategy decided by SINOPEC, SRIPT has made and carried out the “one-goal, two-base” development blueprint. Now, several R&D labs have been set up, such as the centralized catalyst evaluation labs, high-throughput screening lab for zeolites, etc. SRIPT has built up and improved its R&D platforms for catalytic materials and their application for petrochemicals, fundamental research and characterization, chemical engineering development, computer simulation, polymer and synthetic fiber, and oilfield chemicals.SRIPT has had the corporate spirit of “hard-working, truth-seeking, cooperation and knowledge innovation” and implement the management guideline of “people-first principle, technological innovation, underpinning petrochemical business and harmonious development”. In the following 10-15 years, SRIPT will make great efforts to reach its five “first-class” R&D goals (first-class technology, first-class talents, first-class management, firs-class equipments and first-class service) and become the top level institute with international competitiveness, and play a "propeller" role in the science and technology innovation as well.Standing on new starting point of the Twelfth Five-year Plan, SRIPT will boost the morale, strengthen confidence, solidarity and cooperation, enhance the ability of innovation, service for the development as the supporter to create the new career development under the leadership of the Group Company. SRIPT will provide more effective technical support for SINOPEC’s goal of building the world-class energy and chemical company.

              Contact us: 
              Address:1658 Pudong Beilu, Shanghai 201208, China 
              Switchboard: 86-21-68462197 
              Fax: 86-21-68462283, 86-21-68466900 

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