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              SINOPEC Hunan Company

              It is said that Dongting Lake is the most beautiful waters and Yueyang Mansion is the most magnificent pavilion in the world. Sinopec Baling Petrochemical Company, one of the top 500 enterprises in China, just lies in this land with abundant natural resources and numerous talents. 

              After 40 years of development, Baling has become an extra-large scale petrochemical complex starting from crude refining to the integrated operation and production of petrochemicals, chemical fibers and fertilizers. As the largest domestic manufacturer of SBS, epoxy resin, caprolactam and commercial cyclohexanone, Baling produces more than 160 products, including gasoline, diesel, diluents, cyclohexanone, SBS, epoxy resin, caprolactam, urea, etc., with trade marks including “Baling”, “Furong”, “Yingwang” and “Bairong” respectively. The total output is approximately 4 millions tons per year, with over RMB30 billion of sales revenue. Baling has got certificated by ISO9002 quality control system and HSE management system. 

              The Company has more than 3000 senior or medium-level technical personnel and has developed the process technologies of 100,000t/a cyclohexanone, 200,000t/a SBS, 200,000t/a caprolactam and 20,000t/a SEBS. Baling owns 207 licensed patents and has received about 50 National, Provincial or Ministerial Awards for Progress in Science and Technology. The project of “Cyclohexanone Oximed by Ammonia” is classified as one of the National Key Projects for Basic Research & Development; “Development of the Whole Set of SEBS Technology” and “Cyclohexanone Produced by Bionics Catalyzing and Oxidation” are listed among National 863 Programs. 

              Baling pursues integrity and pragmatic operation, makes progress in severe competitions, keeps improving operational mechanism, technical innovation capability and marketing expertise. Focusing on techonology, economic return, low resource consumption, environmental protection and best use of human resources, Baling is making great efforts to build a petrochemical base in the south-central part of China with prominent core business, sound products mix, strong competitiveness and innovation ability.

              日韩一卡2卡3卡4卡新区亚洲_老司机福利在线看_91射射射_日本天堂视频 日韩一卡2卡3卡4卡新区亚洲_老司机福利在线看_91射射射_欧美黑人在线 日韩一卡2卡3卡4卡新区亚洲_老司机福利在线看_91射射射_色tv国产 日韩一卡2卡3卡4卡新区亚洲_老司机福利在线看_91射射射_免费中文的网站 日韩一卡2卡3卡4卡新区亚洲_老司机福利在线看_91射射射_国产码欧美日韩高清综合一区




