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          SINOPEC Guangzhou Company

          Sinopec Guangzhou Petrochemical Company (“Guangzhou Company” for short) is one of the leading petrochemical enterprises in South China. Adjacent to Hong Kong, Macao and situated in Huangpu District of Guangzhou, the centre of Pearl River Delta with fast economic growth, Guangzhou Company boasts excellent land and water transportation conditions and distinct geo-economic superiorities with Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway in the north, Guangyuan East Freeway, Guangzhou-Shenzhen Railway and Huangpu Port lying in the south. 

          The core business of Guangzhou Company covers refining and ethylene with an annual comprehensive crude oil processing capacity of 13.2 million tons and ethylene production capacity of 220,000 tons. The company is now well equipped with 50 major petrochemical production units, a 305,000kw captive thermal power plant and two crude oil jetties of 150,000 tons and 300,000 tons in Huizhou Port as well as some supporting storage & transportation and product delivery facilities. The main refining products include gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, naphtha, heavy oil, solvent oil, LPG, road asphalt, petroleum coke, sulphur, purified benzene, toluene, xylene, styrene, butadiene, propane, butane, hexane oil, gas for industrial use, etc., in total more than 60 kinds. Solid plastic products mainly fall into 3 categories namely polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene with over 160 grades. The sales network covers the whole South China area with some of the products exported to Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asian countries. Both Pass rate of ex-factory products and the rate for random checks by different level of qualification exams have maintained 100%, which has won the company high reputation among customers. Quality and management systems such as ERP, ISO9000, HSE and TNPM are implemented in all-round manner in the company. 

          By fully implementing the scientific outlook on development and being responsible for the society, the enterprise and its employees, Guangzhou Company is moving on the path featured by high technology content, low resource consumption, low pollution and sustainable development by investing RMB 1.6 billion accumulatively for the construction of environmental protection facilities. 

          Being praised as the bright pearl in south China, Guangzhou Company is developing harmoniously in accordance with the “Three Civilization” criteria, and has been awarded the following titles in a row: Civilized Unit of Guangdong Province, Excellent Unit for Corporate Culture of Guangdong Province, National Model Employee Family, National Excellent Collective, National Excellent Unit for Transparent Corporate Governance and National Excellent Unit for Equipment Management. 

          In 2011, 12.01 million tons of crude oil was processed and 204 thousand tons of ethylene was produced. Currently, Guangzhou Company is stepping up its development pace and dedicated to building itself into a petrochemical production base as “ A leading player at home and abroad”. 

          Contact us: 
          Address: No. 239, Shihua Road, Huangpu District, Guangzhou, China 
          Postal Code: 510726 
          Phone: 86-20-62123888 
          Fax: 86-20-82396591 

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