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              SINOPEC Anqing Company
              SINOPEC Anqing Company (hereinafter referred to as Anqing Company), is located at the northwest suburb of Anqing city, Anhui province and on the north bank of middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River with an area of 7 square kilometers. The aviation transportation, golden waterway of Yangtze River, main line of Beijing-Kowloon railway and highly developed expressway network here have created a modern 3-dimensional transportation network and provided Anqing Company with a favorable condition of development.Anqing Company was initially built in July, 1974. Its precursor is Anhui Refinery. On July 1, 1983, it was handed over to SINOPEC and renamed as China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Anqing Petrochemical Works. In November, 1998, it was renamed as SINOPEC Group Anqing Petrochemical Works. For listing of SINOPEC CORP., it was restructured as SINOPEC Anqing Petrochemical Works (unlisted) and SINOPEC CORP. Anqing Company (listed) under the planning of SINOPEC on February 28, 2000 and began to operate separately from April 1, 2000.At present, Anqing Company has the following major production units: 5.5 Mt/a APS/VPS, a 1.4 Mt/a FCC, a 700 Kt/a DCC unit, a 1.5 Mt/a Delayed Coker, a 1.6 Mt/a Hydrofiner, a 2.2 Mt/a Wax Oil Hydrogenation Unit, a 220 Kt/a CCR, a 30 Kt/a PP Unit, a 40 Kt/a SRU, a 2,000 t/d Shell Coal Gasification Unit with effective gas (CO + H2) of 142,000 m3/h, a 330 Kt/a Synthetic Ammonia Unit, a 580 Kt/a Urea Unit, a 80 Kt/a AN, a 70 Kt/a Acrylic Fiber Unit, 100 Kt/a EBSM and so on.  It also possesses a 500 Kt/a fertilizer loading terminal, a 200 Kt/a liquefied hydrocarbons terminal, a 13-km-long in-plant dedicated railway line and an industrial marshalling yard.The main products include “Double Ring” brand oil products and fertilizer series, “Huangshan” brand acrylic fiber series and “Double Bell” brand chemical product series.  There are more than 40 types of high-quality products. Among which, 9 products, i.e. “Double Ring” urea, Mogas, #0 light diesel, LPG, “Huangshan” acrylic staple, top, industrial AN, “Double Bell” brand PP resin and industrial sulfur and so on, were awarded  “Famous Brand Products of Anhui Province”.In the intense market competition, the Company has developed and grown continuously. A batch of major projects have been put into operation in succession, the enterprise’s competitiveness has been enhanced, the main technical and economic indicators are leading in the refining & chemical enterprises along the middle and upper reaches of Yangtze River. The company has won over 200 honors and titles of provincial and ministerial level and above, such as Advanced Unit for Energy-saving and Emission-reduction in national petroleum and chemical industry, advanced enterprise in the construction of national petroleum and chemical information, advanced unit of national Ankang Cup competition, “National Occupational Health Demonstration Enterprise”, national advance enterprise of ethnics and political work, national corporate culture excellent unit in the 30 years since reform and open-up, Chinese enterprise best image Grade AAA etc. As a major project listed in the national petrochemical industry adjustment and revitalization planning, Anqing Company 800ktpa Integrated Project was kicked off on January 18, 2010. Anqing Company will become one of the major petrochemical bases once the project is completed in 2012. Standing on the starting point of new development of the “12th 5-year plan”, Anqing Company will expand refining, optimize chemical, innovate the management, seek scientific development, improve the enterprise value creation capacity continuously and move forward to an integrated refining-chemical enterprise with strong international competitiveness with “inheriting the tradition and innovating, developing in a scientific manner” as the subject, with “increasing capacity, improving efficiency through integration, enhancing level in clean production and seeking characteristics through intensification” as the main lines.

              Address:  20, No.4 Shihua Road, Anqing, Anhui Province
              Post code:  246002
              Tel:  0556-5381717            
              Fax:  0556-5378299

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