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              SINOPEC Zhanjiang Dongxing Petrochemical Company Limited

              SINOPEC Zhanjiang Dongxing Petrochemical Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) is a large-scale oil refining and petrochemical enterprise, with a crude oil processing capacity of 5 million tons per year. The Company has 28 sets of production plants and matching utilities, such as atmospheric and vacuum distillation, catalytic cracking, reforming, hydrogenation, polypropylene, aromatics extraction, gas separation and sulfur recovery. The main products include gasoline and diesel, LPG, naphtha, benzene, xylems, polypropylene, heavy oil, etc. 

              The Company is located at the southernmost tip of Chinese mainland Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, with an area of 1428 mu. The Company is only 4.2 kilometers away from Zhanjiang Port which is the biggest sea port in southern China, thus tankers can directly dock at the 300 thousand-ton-pier of the port. Relying on its geographic advantage as well as the convenience of sea, highway, railway and pipeline transportation, refined oil products can be sent to Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces and the Pearl River Delta regions in Guangdong province straightly. 

              Since the acquisition, the Company firmly follows the overall arrangement of SINOPEC Group. On the basis of maintaining and carrying forward the fine traditions, the Company gives full play to the advantages of its institutions and mechanisms. Meanwhile, it pays close attention to “people-oriented” principle as well as “HSE” management, and vigorously promotes fine management. The Company has achieved security and stability of production for 10 years and also puts an end to security and environmental accidents and unplanned shutdown incidents which must be reported to the Group. The main technical indicators of the Company keep improving year by year, and some of them are keeping an advanced level of the industry. 

              Contact us: 
              Address: No. 15 Huguang Road, Xia Shan District, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, China 
              Zip Code: 524012 
              Tel: 0759-2606605 
              Fax: 0759-2606888

              国产免费网站看v片元遮挡_露出在线_婷婷综合久久中文字幕蜜桃三电影_亚洲欧美日本另类 国产免费网站看v片元遮挡_露出在线_婷婷综合久久中文字幕蜜桃三电影_JIZZJIZZ国产精品久久 国产免费网站看v片元遮挡_露出在线_婷婷综合久久中文字幕蜜桃三电影_亚洲欧美日韩高清一区二区三区 国产免费网站看v片元遮挡_露出在线_婷婷综合久久中文字幕蜜桃三电影_久久久久亚州AⅤ无码专区首 国产免费网站看v片元遮挡_露出在线_婷婷综合久久中文字幕蜜桃三电影_40岁成熟女人牲交片20分钟




