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              SINOPEC Shijiazhuang Refining & Chemical Company

              Sinopec Shijiazhuang Refining & Chemical Company (SRCC) is located at 25 kilometers southeast of Shijiazhuang city, Hebei Province. Its predecessor is Shijiazhuang Refinery which was founded in 1978. Shijiazhuang Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd. was initiated and set up through reform on part of its business. Proceeds from its IPO were put into the50,000 tpa Caprolactam Plant of Shijiazhuang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd who was established in the same year. To carry out the integration strategy, Shijiazhuang Refinery was re-registerred as Sinopec Assets Management Co., LTD Shijiazhuang Branch in 2006. In 2007, it become Sinopec Shijiazhuang Refining & Chemical Company (SRCC). In May 2009, further integration was carried out. The overall Shijiazhuang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd and part of assets and personnels of Sinopec Assets Management Co., Ltd. Shijiazhuang Branch were merged into Shijiazhuang Refining & Chemical Company. 

              In May 2010, SRCC launched its 8mt/a oil product quality upgrading project. As a key construction project listed in the national “Petrochemical Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan”, this project represents a strategic cooperation between Sinopec and Hebei Province. The project is expected to be completed and put into operation in 2013, adopting environmental-friendly hydrogenation process and the quality of products will reach above GⅢ standard. 

              At present, SRCC has the primary crude processing capacity of 5 million tons per year and a comprehensive processing capacity of 4.2 million tons per year. Besides, SRCC has the following production units including 5 million tons Atmospheric and Vacuum Distillation Unit, 2 million tons Catalytic Cracking Units, 0.8 million tons Delayed Coking Unit, etc. After a series of revamping and expansion, there are 12 units including 160 thousand tons per year caprolactam and 25 thousand tons per year polyamide fiber. The main products are gasoline for automobiles, diesel, jet fuel, LPG, polypropylene, caprolactam, ammonium sulfate, polyamide, benzaldehyde and so on, altogether more than 30 kinds of products. 

              SRCC inherits and enriches and develops the corporate spirit of “Love China and Revitalize Sinopec”, persists in “putting people first”, advocates the corporate culture centered on “deliverying best performance and grow with the company”, adheres to the business of improving the products quality, offering excellent service and achieving the maximum of benefits. Led by the innovation spirit of management, mechanism and technique, SRCC is committed to build a modern enterprise with effective management, safe operation, protection of environment, and scientific development. SRCC sincerely looks forward to building friendly partnership with companies and scientific research institutes around the world, in order to achieve good cooperation in the development of refining and petrochemical technology, as well as trading and other businesses. 

              Address: No.1Shilian Road, Yuhua District, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province 
              Zip Code: 050099 
              Tel: 0311-80862314 
              Fax: 0311-80861234 

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