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              Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd.

              Sinopec Shanghai Petrochemical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SPC) is located at Jinshanwei in Jinshan District of Shanghai with a total area of 9.4 square kilometers. SPC grew out of Shanghai Petrochemical Complex established in 1972. In 1993, through reform and reorganization, the Company launched IPO to became the first Chinese company that is publicly listed in Shanghai, Hong Kong and New York Stock Exchanges. Today, SPC is one of the largest modern petrochemical enterprises in China with highly integrated refining and petrochemical business. It is also an important producer and supplier of refined oil products, intermediate petrochemicals, synthetic resins and synthetic fibres in China. 

              SPC currently possesses a primary crude oil processing capacity of 14 million t/a (the comprehensive crude oil processing capacity of 12 million t/a), an ethylene production capacity of 845 kt/a, an organic intermediate petrochemicals feedstock production capacity of 4,240 kt/a, a synthetic resins and plastics production capacity of 970kt/a, a synthetic fibre raw material production capacity of 1,140 kt/a, a synthetic fibre polymers production capacity of 590 kt/a and synthetic fibre production capacity of 340 kt/a. In addition, the Company has its own utilities system, environmental protection system, as well as supporting transportation facilities for marine and inland waterway, railway and expressway. 

              The Company produces main products in 4 categories, such as refined oil products, intermediate petrochemicals, synthetic resins and plastics, synthetic fibre raw materials and synthetic fibres. Its products are sold both at home and abroad. 

              SPC has a strong team in R&D, mainly engaging in the area of petrochemicals, synthetic resins, synthetic fibres, fine chemicals and environmental protection and specializing in research and development of new technologies, new products, new processes and new equipment related to its business as well as application of new technology to the industry. With a Post-Doctoral Station and a State Synthetic Fibre Engineering Research Center, SPC is also one of the state technical innovation pilot enterprises. A series of new technologies and new products developed by SPC have been commercialized and won the science and technology awards by the State and Shanghai Municipality. SPC has basically formed a mechanism helping development of new products and commercialization of R&D achievements through a combination of R&D, production and marketing. 

              SPC advocates the philosophy of “People-Oriented and Safe Operation” and practises the HSE management fully. The Company and its subsidiaries have set up HSE management system for their standardized operation so as to enhance HSE management and lay a solid foundation for the Company’s sustainable development. The HSE management system is aiming at continuous improvement and with hazardous analysis and risk evaluation as its core, the entire staff participation as its basis, and thus creating a sound working environment. 

              Since its establishment, SPC has been committing itself to “Protecting environment, bringing benefit to the mankind”, and taking “Operation by law, being environmentally friendly, saving energy and reducing emission, producing clean and green products” as its leading policy. The Company has been carrying out strictly the management system of “Three Concurrent” in newly-built, revamping and expansion projects: to ensure that safety facilities, fire fighting facilities, environmental protection and occupational hygiene facilities are designed, constructed and put into operation concurrently with the core project development, energetically promote clean production auditing campaign and ISO14000 environmental management system certification. As a result, the discharge of “Three Wastes” (exhaust gas, waste water and solid wastes) is being well controlled within the state stipulated criteria. 

              During the 12th Five-Year Plan period, SPC will follow the guidance of the Scientific Outlook on Development, conform to Sinopec’s overall development strategy and industrial distribution tactic as well as SPC’s development strategy of giving consideration to both cost leadership and differentiation, paying equal attention to operation scale and fine management, laying particular emphasis on the low cost and operation scale in the upstream while focusing on high value-added and specialized product mix in the downstream. The Company will keep imroving its competitiveness by giving full play to the advantages of complete product chain, product diversification and proximity to the markets. 

              By the year of 2015, the Company’s crude oil comprehensive processing capacity is expected to be 16 million t/a, and ethylene production capacity 1.5 million t/a. We are going to build the Company into an excellent enterprise with a rational product mix, quality assets, good performance, outstanding human resource, practical management, standardized operation and relatively high international competitiveness, and we will keep striving for a leading position among Sinopec subsidiaries 

              Contact us:
              Address: 48 jinyi Rd., jinshan district, shanghai, china
              Postcode: 200540
              Tel: +86 (21) 57943143
              Fax: +86 (21) 57940050

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