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          Profile of Fujian Petrochemical Company Limited

          Fujian Petrochemical Company Limited (FPCL) is a large-scale petrochemical enterprise joint ventured by Fujian Petrochemical Industrial Group Company and China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (Sinopec) with a share ratio of 50:50. Located in Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian province, FPCL was formerly known as Fujian Refinery, which was founded in January 1989, constructed and put into operation in September 1993 and reorganized as a limited liability company in December 1995. After the expansion in May 1997, FPCL’s annual capacity was enhanced from the original 2.5Mt/a to 4Mt/a. After the successful start-up of Fujian Refining and Ethylene Integrated Project, which was jointly established by FPCL, ExxonMobil China Petroleum & Petrochemical Company Ltd. and Saudi Aramco Sino Company Ltd. at the end of September 2009, FPCL had established the production capacity of 12Mt/a refinery, 800Kt/a steam cracker, 800Kt/a PE, 400Kt/a PP and 700Kt/a PX. FPCL has accumulatively processed 7.709 million tons of crude oil since the completion and start-up in 1993 to the end of 2011. 

          FPCL has three joint venture companies. In June 2007, Fujian Refining & Petrochemical Company Limited (FREP) was established jointly by FPCL, ExxonMobil China Petroleum & Petrochemical Company Ltd. and Saudi Aramco Sino Company Ltd. (50:25:25) with total investment of 4.963 billion US dollars. In September 2008, Fujian Linde-FPCL Gases Co., Ltd was officially established by FPCL and the Linde Gas (H.K.) Limited (50:50). Fujian Fuxiang Chemical Co., Ltd, which was invested jointly by FPCL and Fujian Provincial Petrochemical Group Company(49:51) , was founded officially in May 2011. 

          Now the Company is devoting itself to constructing a characterized and differentiated fine chemical industry base in Eastern China. The feasibility study report of C5 separation has been prepared and submitted to the headquarters, that of isoprene rubber is being prepared, and that of C5 and C9 petroleum resin is under early-stage preparation. In addition, the Company is conducting the preliminary work of Gulei refining & chemical integrated project actively. The Company has signed a framework agreement of Gulei Refining and Chemical Integrated Project with Gulei Petrochemical Co., and defined that the project will be built jointly by Fujian Petrochemical Company Limited and Gulei Petrochemical Co. (50:50). The project proposal has been submitted to the National Development and Reform Committee. 

          Address: Quangang District, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province 
          Postal Code: 362800 
          Tel: 0595-87789188 
          Fax: 0595-87976088 

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