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          SINOPEC Zhejiang Oil Products Company

          SINOPEC Zhejiang Oil Products Company was firstly founded in 1950, then it was renamed the Zhejiang Petroleum Corporation in 1990. The company was rearranged under SINOPEC in Aug. 1998, and restructured in April 2000, according to SINOPEC Corp.’s unified arrangement. Its main business, assets and all staff were under the control of SINOPEC Corp. and thus SINOPEC Zhejiang Oil Products Company was set up. SINOPEC Zhejiang Oil Products Company (hereinafter referred to as Zhejiang Oil Products Company) is the largest enterprise dealing with finished oil in the province. Its business scope includes: sales and storage of petroleum and its products, natural gas, petrochemical products, chemical fiber and other chemical products. 

          The operating units and business outlets of the company spread all over the province. It owns perfect facilities for oil storage and transportation. The company has 29 oil depots of strategic importance, with a total storage volume of 1500,000 m3. It has a distribution network of 1,949 gas stations; furthermore, it has accomplished the pipe-transportation lines for finished oil laying from Zhenhai to Hangzhou and from Jinshan to Jiaxing to huzhou. By the end of 2011, its total assets reached ¥15.1billion with over 24,000 employees. In 2011, the company sold over 13.117 million tons of finished oil. The total annual sale reached ¥99.8billion. All economic indices of the company have continuously ranked first in SINOPEC’s Sales Company. 

          At the beginning year of the "12th Five-Year" Plan period, the market of domestic finished oil was under a lot of strain. SINOPEC as a state-owned energy enterprise attracted more social attentions. By carefully implementing the policies set by the Sinopec Group, actively pushing forward the activity of "services for the people, compete for places", Zhejiang Oil Products Company pulled through difficulties to seek the developments, and did its best to improve management. It completed all the yearly tasks set forth; meanwhile, its business indicators as the sale volume, the number of stations have set records. The company was assessed as model company once more in activity 'Compare, Learn, Chase, Help, Surpass', which was hold by Sinopec Sales Company and aimed to fully improve the level of management, moreover, it has been awarded as “Advanced unit of Safety Production” in SINOPEC group for 14 consecutive years. The company also won two first prizes and one second prize in the SINOPEC group’s competition of management innovation, additionally, one of the achievements was nominated as ‘The National Best Ten Management Case’. In the activity of “the competitions of job occupation skill” hold by SINOPEC’s Sales Company, its team total scores ranking 2nd. The company was awarded the honor of 'the Ten Leading enterprises' by Zhejiang Province. 

          Address: No.58 Hefang Street, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province 
          Post Code: 310009 
          Tel: (86)0571-87818833, 87805026 
          Fax: (86)0571-87818822 

          狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_肉性天堂_中国黄色a 狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_肉性天堂_成人动漫网站在线观看 狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_肉性天堂_亚洲狠狠网站色噜噜 狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_肉性天堂_欧美激情在线 狠狠色成人一区二区三区_午夜成人在线视频_肉性天堂_精品国产青草久久久久福利




