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              SINOPEC Fujian Oil Products Company

              SINOPEC Fujian Oil Product Company (hereinafter abbreviated as "Sinopec Fujian Company"), former Fujian Provincial Petroleum Corporation, was established in Oct. 1952. The Company was affiliated to China Petroleum & Chemical Group Company in July 1998. The major business of Sinopec Fujian Branch was injected into Sinopec SenMei (Fujian) Petroleum Company Limited, which is a joint venture of Sinopec, ExxonMobil China Petroleum & Petrochemical Company Limited and Saudi Aramco Sino Company Limited. 

              Now Sinopec Fujian Company has 10 departments, a Pipeline Project Management Office, 3 specialized centers consisting of Oil Management Office, Lubricant Center and Chemical Sales Center. Besides, Sinopec Fujian Company has 10 city-level branches and more than 1500 employee. 

              Furthermore, the company has been awarded the title of "Advanced Unit for Safe Production " by Sinopec headquarters for the past 9 consecutive years, and has been awarded the title of “Advanced Safe Production Enterprises” by Fujian Provincial Government for the past 13 consecutive years. 

              Sinopec Fujian Oil Products Company will work harder to implement the strategy of development in scientific way and improve operational and management to achieve all the business targets and strive for a new prospect of the company.

              Address: 18 Zhongshan Road, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China 
              Post Code: 350003 
              Tel: (0591) 87837153 
              Fax: (0591) 87821534

              一卡二卡三卡四卡在线_欧美系列第一页_日本黄a_日产码一至六区不卡 一卡二卡三卡四卡在线_欧美系列第一页_日本黄a_噜噜噜亚洲色成人网站在线观看 一卡二卡三卡四卡在线_欧美系列第一页_日本黄a_成 人 免费 黄 色 网站无毒 一卡二卡三卡四卡在线_欧美系列第一页_日本黄a_一区二区视频 一卡二卡三卡四卡在线_欧美系列第一页_日本黄a_无码中文字幕免费一区二区蜜桃




