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            Sinopec Sichuan Petroleum Company

            China Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. Sichuan Petroleum Company (abbreviation: Sinopec Sichuan Petroleum Company) is alarge state-owned enterprisesof the SINOPEC Sales Co., Ltd. CHUANYU Branch(established in October 2002)reorganized under the new business development strategy of the China Petrochemical Corporation, andit is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinopec.itofficially established its headquarters in Chengdu On January 17, 2010,. 
            Sichuan Petroleum Company Sinopec has a professional business division management system which implements centralized decision-making and multi-level management..it integrate warehousing, logistics, sales, and service as a whole. It is fully responsible for the sale of refined oil, natural gas, lubricants, and other non-oil commodities in Sichuan province, as well as develop the business network of Sinopec. 

            Sinopec Sichuan Petroleum Company aims to develop the enterprise, contribute to the country, provide returns to shareholders, serve the community, and benefit its staff. It also seeks to develop the implementation of resources, markets, and human talents. The company views development as its top priority. In order to improve its competitiveness and create "a century-old store", the company is constantly strengthening and expanding its main business. To uphold the responsibility and mission of state-owned backbone enterprise, the company strives to maintain the Sichuan province’s regional energy security and contribute to the promotion of social development. The company is committed to maintain the original value of its assets and its increment, to return its shareholders. It is committed to provide safe and clean products and services, and actively participate in public welfare activities. As a human-oriented company, it relies on staff to develop the enterprise, safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of employees, and focuses on management innovation and enhancement of the team’s quality. 

            Sinopec Sichuan Petroleum Company promotes a "healthy, safe, and environment-friendly" management culture, and adheres to a "faithful, standardized, efficient, and innovative" service notion. The company implements civilized, clean, standardized service, and standardized, meticulous management so as to create a unique Sinopec management model. 

            Sinopec Sichuan Petroleum Company has a relentless spirit of improvement, which it uses to actively blend into the economic tide of the Sichuan Province. We put our business strategies into the local development strategies, so as to push each other forward. Make “development, effectiveness, and brand” as our keynotes, Strive to “pursuit the first-class, make good use of our advantage, make up our shortage, and pursuit progress”, and carefully build our two-life project. Effectively bear the political, economic, and social responsibilities of state-owned enterprises, and benefit the society. 

            Products and services 
            Refined oil sales 
            Sichuan Petroleum Company's refined oil (90 #, 93 #, 97 # gasoline and 0 # diesel)marketing business consists of four major components: First, through a retail network of over 300 gas stations across the province, we supply refined oil to millions of households in the community, which is the main body of our business; second, direct sales of refined oil to end users (non-gas station); third, direct sales of refined oil to key customers; fourth, supply oil to the social distributors and independent retailers through our oil tanks. 2011, Sichuan Branch supplied 180 million tons of refined oil accumulately to the Sichuan region, accounting for 20% of apparent consumption in Sichuan Province. 

            Compressed Natural Gas(CNG) 
            Sinopec's natural gas fields are mainly distributed in Sichuan. Chuanxi gas field of Sinopec locates less than 40kilometers away from Chengdu, and it has well-equipped gas pipelines and strong technical force; with the startup of Puguang gas field and the construction of Yuanba gas field,, our natural gas resources in Sichuan will become more prominent. At present, the Sichuan Petroleum Company has 23 CNG filling stations, and sells 60 million cubic meters of CNG every year. 

            Non-oil business 
            "Easy-joy is a brand of the Sinopec non-oil business ,and the connotation of the brand is “car life Inn. " Easy-joy " convenience store provide year-round 24-hour service and sell all kinds of drinks, snacks, fast food, consumer goods, car care products and the Great Wall brand lubricants. At present, there are 306 Easy-joy convenience stores In Sichuan province. 

            Fuel cards business 
            The most prominent feature of the Sinopec fuel card is "quick, integral feedback, easy to use, fuel management”. and using the Sinopec fuel card is as easy as using IC card to make a call. It has becomes an attractive fashion method of fuel payment. At present, the SichuanPetroleum Company has opened a networking refueling operations as many as236 gas stations, and 205 card-issuing outlets, fuel card customers can enjoy the convenient service of "one card in hand, fuel everywhere.

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