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              Sinopec Shaanxi oil products Company

              China Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd. Shaanxi oil products company(abbreviation: Shaanxi oil products company) is a state-owned large enterprises of the SINOPEC Sales Co. Ltd. Xibei Branch (established in October 2002) reorganized under the new business development strategy of the SINOPEC, and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sinopec. On January 15, 2010, it officially established its headquarters in Xi’an. 

              Shaanxi oil products company centralizes decision-making, multi-level management, a professional business division management system, warehousing, logistics, sales, and service as a whole. It is fully responsible for its territory in the Shaanxi province, as well as Sinopec refined oil, natural gas vehicles, lubricants, non-oil sales, and other business and sales network development. 

              Shaanxi oil products companyaims to develop the enterprise, contribute to the country, provide returns to shareholders, serve the community, and benefit its staff. It also seeks to develop the implementation of resources, markets, human talent. The company views development as its top priority, and thus is constantly strengthening and expanding its main business, in order to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise and create "a century-old store". Upholding the reposnsiblity and mission of state-owned backbone enterprises, the company strives to maintain the security of Shaanxi’s regional energy and contribute to the promotion of social development. The company is committed to increasing the value of its assets, with a good performance return to shareholders, It is committed to providing safe, clean products and services, and actively participates in public welfare activities. As a people-oriented company, it relies on staff to develop the enterprise, safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of employees, focuses on management innovation, and enhancing its quality. 

              Shaanxi oil products company promotes a "healthy, safe, and environmentally-friendly" management culture, and adheres to a "faithful, standardized, efficient, and innovative" service concept. The company implements civilized, clean, standardized service, and standardized, meticulous management so as to create a uniquely Sinopec management model. 

              Shaanxi oil products companyhas a relentless spirit of improvement, which it uses to actively participate in the economic tide of the Shaanxi Province, , and carefully creating the "two-life project." It effectively bears the political, economical, and social responsibility of enterprises, enriching the people and repaying its debt to society..

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