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              Sinopec Gansu oil products company

              China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Gansu Branch (hereinafter referred to as the Gansu Branch), was established on January 1, 2010,the former Northwest Gansu Branch of the China Petrochemical Sales Co., Ltd. The Gansu Branch is mainly responsible for China’s Sinopec in the Gansu region for the marketing of refined oil products, the management and dispatching tasks, and the overseeing of Gansu available resources development coordination. The Gansu Branch is also engaged conducting the sales of petrol, diesel, lubricating oil, vehicle use of natural gas, fuel oil, and non-oil businesses. The Gansu Branch assumes the important task dealing with the refineries from of Xinjiang sales office of the Sinopec Tahe Branch. 

              The Gansu Branch is outfitted with an office. This subsidiary of the city branch is the only office in Gansu for handling Sinopec’s sales enterprises. The Gansu Branch undertakes the duty of ensuring a steady supply of refined oil to the market. In doing so, the Branch has made significant contribution to the development of Gansu economy. 

              The top priority of the Gansu Branch has always been about the development and the effort to expand the market influence. In that respect, the Branch looks to terms like “team work”, “unity”, “perseverance”, and “perfection” in trying to achieve that goal. The Branch also strives for never ending improvements. These are improvements in new developments, better managements, and more superior quality. 

              The Gansu Branch actively fulfills the responsibility of large state-owned enterprises. The Gansu Branch fulfills the economic, political, and social responsibility to China’s Western developments. The Branch uses this as an opportunity to demonstrate its competent and efficient internal operating system. In doing so, the Gansu Branch has publicized robust market activities under meticulous management. In return, the Branch has gained the confidence of the consumers in Gansu. 
              At the same time, the Gansu Branch appreciated the love and the support shown by the people and the community of Gansu. The Gansu Branch actively participates in the local public event to promote the welfare of Gansu and thus establish a good representation of China Petrochemical. 

              During “the 12th Five-Year Plan” period, the Gansu Branch will fully adjust strategies of its structure and sufficiently develop advantages of its resources. By implementing its talents development strategy, effectiveness leading strategy and resources strategy; expanding its market; strengthening its internal management; expanding its influences, building its "Life Project", , and achieving its objectives, the Gansu Branch will work hard on building a world-class chemical energy company. 

              Add: 11, China Development Bank 1716 Nanchang rode, Lanzhou city, Gansu 730030 
              Tel: 0931-8839691 
              Fax: 0931-8833795 

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