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            SINOPEC Ningxia Oil Products Company

            SINOPEC Ningxia Oil Products Company is a state-owned large enterprises of the SINOPEC Sales Co. Ltd. The outside-zone sales companies were reorganized in December 2009, Company of Ningxia originally directed by SINOPEC Xibei Oil Products Company became an independently operated company , officially changed its name to SINOPEC NingxiaOil Products Company(abbreviation :Ningxia Oil Products Company)。Ningxia Oil Products Company is a wholly owned refined oil sales enterprise which has a strong competitiveness. It’s in charge of processed oil management and sales network development, responsible for the retail, direct sales, wholesale and warehousing of gasoline, diesel, lubricants and other products of SINOPEC in Ningxia. 

            Since the establishment of SINOPEC Ningxia Oil Products Company, it has fulfilled the economic, social and political obligations responsibly as a state-owned enterprise. Seizing the opportunity of Western Development and paying close attention to the rapid developments of both economy and society in the whole area, she expanded investment and took part actively in building the marketing network for refined oil to ensure its supplement in Ningxia. In 2011, the company got many achievements. Annual sales has reached 3.846 billion yuan which increased 1.52-fold and the total sales of refined oil has reached 524.8 thousand tons which increased 1.25-fold compared with the same period of the previous year; a series products of Ningxia wolfberry have been developed and been listed in the key products for non-oil sales; the sales of non-oil products was 52.23 million yuan which was 2.6-fold over the task assigned by the marketing apartment; In camp gas station of 48 seat.

            18以下岁毛片在免费播放_亚洲欧美激情另类校园_亚洲人成电影福利在线播放_亚洲中文字幕无码亚洲人成影院 18以下岁毛片在免费播放_亚洲欧美激情另类校园_亚洲人成电影福利在线播放_国产精品看片 18以下岁毛片在免费播放_亚洲欧美激情另类校园_亚洲人成电影福利在线播放_亚洲v日本 18以下岁毛片在免费播放_亚洲欧美激情另类校园_亚洲人成电影福利在线播放_182tv成人午夜在线观看 18以下岁毛片在免费播放_亚洲欧美激情另类校园_亚洲人成电影福利在线播放_无码播放一区二区三区




